Peace Parks Foundation utilizes technology to protect, restore, and rewild south African ecosystems | Microsoft Customer Stories
Nonprofits need innovative solutions to scale their missions effectively. This customer story highlights how Peace Parks Foundation uses AI and Microsoft Dynamics 365 to protect, restore, and rewild South African ecosystems. Read the full story to see how your nonprofit can use Microsoft Dynamics to generate real-time insights and drive meaningful change. If you're interested in discussing more AI solutions for your mission, reach out to Acts Technology Corporation today.
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Peace Parks Foundation utilizes technology to protect, restore, and rewild south African ecosystems | Microsoft Customer Stories
published by Acts Technology Corporation
Acts Technology Corporation is a Small Business Cloud Solutions Provider. We provide Security and Maintenance, Cloud Backups, Microsoft Azure as well as Microsoft Office 365 and Google Workspace licensing.
Acts Technology Mission Statement
To help our clients with their technology decisions through innovative means.
By finding solutions to every technological problem they may face.
To lower Information Technology overhead by automation and protecting customer data.
We’re working to keep our customers working.